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Wax is an extension for Mustache.js which enables the use of formatters inside of expressions {{ expression | formatter }}

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This extension requires that String.prototype.trim() method exists, you can grab a Polyfill from the MDN documentation.


Just include mustache-wax.js library after mustache.js

<script src="mustache.js"></script>
<script src="mustache-wax.js"></script>

By default there are no formatters defined, you need to define them yourself as Mustache.Formatters, for example:

    Mustache.Formatters = {
        "uppercase": function (str) {
            return str.toUpperCase();
        "lpad": function (str, num, sep) {
            sep = sep || " ";
            str = "" + str;
            var filler = "";
            while ((filler.length + str.length) < num) { filler += sep };
            return (filler + str).slice(-num);
        "date": function (dt) {
            var lpad  = Mustache.Formatters.lpad, 
                day   = lpad(dt.getDate(), 2, "0"),
                month = lpad(dt.getMonth()+1, 2, "0");
            return  day + "/" + month + "/" + dt.getFullYear();


Once your formatters are defined, just create a template and render it.

        "{{ name | uppercase }}, {{ dob | date }}, {{ ssnum | lpad : 10 : '0' }}", 
            name:   "john doe",
            dob:    new Date(1981, 2, 24),
            ssnum:  12345


    JOHN DOE, 24/03/1981, 0000012345


A formatter is a function that modifies the value of an expression for display to the user. They are used in templates and it is easy to define your own formatters.

Formatters can be applied to expressions in templates using the following syntax:

{{ expression | formatter }}

Formatters can be applied to the result of another formatter. This is called "chaining" and uses the following syntax:

{{ expression | formatter1 | formatter2 | ... }}

Formatters may have arguments. The syntax for this is

{{ expression | formatter : argument1 : argument2 : ... }}

Arguments can be either an integer, a real, a string or another expression.
Integer arguments example:

Real arguments example:

String arguments example:

Chaining and passing arguments.

For example, assuming we have the following formatter and data:

    Mustache.Formatters = {
        "add": function (one, two) {
            return one + two;

    var data = {
        ten:    10,
        twenty: 20

We could use the following templates

    {{ ten | add: 5}}
    {{ twenty | add: 5.25 | add:-.25 }}
    {{ ten | add : 3.14159 | add : twenty | add:-3}}

The result will be:
