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Here is a list of highlighted repositories:
An extension for Mustache.js, it enables the use of formatters inside of Mustache expressions in a similar fasion of Angular filters. It can be installed via npm.
Check the project page for more info.
Advanced navigation with React Router
A demo featuring advanced navigation features built on top of react router.
- Animations for page transitions
- Scroll restoration
- Code splitting and loading pages on demand
- Retry loading a page in case of network failures
- Fetching data before page transitions
- Cancel navigation
Check out the live demo
An alternative selector library for Redux inspired by Reselect and Computed properties from MobX, Aurelia and Angular.
Unlike Reselect, Recompute selectors can:
- be shared across multiple component instances
- take any number of arguments
- have unbounded cache size
- directly invoke other selectors
Visit the project page for more info.
A dependency free javascript library for creating calendars. Unlike normal calendar plugins, this just provides the business logic to generate the calendar data. Library consumers are responsible for providing the UI layer.
This is not ment to be an out-of-the-box solution, instead the goal is to provide a solid fundation for building calendar widgets.
Visit the project page for details.
Backbone rendering performance
An adaptation of the famous Repaint rate challenge using Backbone.js and featuring different strategies and optimizations. The following render implementations are available:
- Handlebars templates
- Using jQuery/Zepto
- Direct DOM manipulation
- Google’s Incremental DOM library
- Virtual DOM library Click here to open the demo
Demo using the native HTML5 Drag and drop API
My entry to the Mozilla Devderby (Jan 2013) for the Drag and Drop challenge Listed as one of the Runners-up.
Click here to see a live demo
Android Flashcards
A Flashcards application to exercise the mental process of active recall, using spaced repetition. This was build using Androids SDK version 7. Visit the project page for details.